Re-2 School District on “Mascot” – Updated Mailing Info


The Lamar School District Board of Education would like to draw the community’s attention to proposed legislation that could impact the school district.


Prohibit American Indian Mascots Concerning the prohibition of American Indian mascots in Colorado.


The bill prohibits the use of American Indian mascots (mascots) by public schools, including charter and institute charter schools, and public institutions of higher education (public school) as of June 1, 2022. The bill imposes a fine of $25,000 per month for each month that a public school continues to use a mascot after such date, payable to the state education fund.


The prohibition does not apply to:

  • Any agreement that exists prior to June 30, 2021, between a federally recognized Indian tribe (tribe) and a public school, although the tribe has the right and ability to revoke the agreement at any time;
  • Any public school that is operated by a tribe or with the approval of a tribe and existing within the boundaries of the tribe’s reservation;
  • The ability of a tribe to create and maintain a relationship or agreement with a public school that fosters goodwill, emphasizes education and supports a curriculum that teaches American Indian history, and encourages a positive cultural exchange. Any such agreement may allow any mascot that is culturally affiliated with the tribe, as determined at the discretion of the tribe’s governing body.


This bill has been assigned to the Senate and House Education Committees.  The bill is scheduled for hearing in the House on Thursday, May 20th at 1:30 PM.  If community members are interested in learning more, they can access the bill and current amendments on  There is opportunity for community members to express their opinion about this bill by testifying in person or by submitting written testimony.  Information related to providing testimony can be found at

Community members can also contact or write their Legislator.

  • Senator Cleave Simpson

Senate District 35

200 E. Colfax, Room 346

Denver, CO  80203
Webpage: Cleave Simpson


  • Representative Richard Holtorf

House District 64

200 E. Colfax, Room 307

Denver, CO  80203
Webpage: Richard Holtorf

Filed Under: City of LamarFeaturedMedia ReleaseSchool


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