Lamar Light Plant Approves Colorado Beef Line Extension Request
Barbara Crimond | Oct 28, 2020 | Comments 0
Five Rivers Cattle Feeding, LLC (Colorado Beef) has requested a line extension on their property at CR2 and KK in Prowers County. Light Plant Superintendent Houssin Hourieh told the board this will result in a minimum monthly electrical charge based on usage or the cost of the extension, whichever is greater. The agreement is for the standard five-years and the extension cost is estimated at $18,366.70 less, $4,305 for the complimentary 600 feet. The board met in regular session on Tuesday, October 27th.
The Light Plant completed its annual safety testing and inspections of bucket and digger trucks as well as all high voltage sticks and tools with no major problems found. Six facility and five wind turbine cranes were also inspected and a report will be forthcoming. Following a ten-day shutdown, the T-3 turbine is back online with the four other turbines. A failed pitch blade was replaced. Superintendent Hourieh told the board the demolition project for the Repowering Project will get underway the week prior to Thanksgiving and he expects the conveyer belt that spans East Maple Street will be the first project. The board and demolition company will post signage regarding safety detours prior to the start of the project.
Hourieh presented the September 2020 financial report which showed cash is up $99,102 from August and accounts receivable decreased by $85,285. Operating revenue for the month is $1,466,860 and operating costs are $1,026,793 for gross operating income of $440,068. After expenses, net income for the month is $294,665.
Year to date figures show retail sales are up 3% or $339,055, compared to this time in 2019 and overall operating expenses are up 2%, or approximately $229,255 for a net loss on the year of $329,612.
Board members reviewed purchase orders totaling $26,379.53 of which $16,330.75 required approval. The board also authorized payment of bills totaling $876,094.62 of which $775,611.15 were for a monthly power purchase from Arkansas River Power Authority.
The November 10th board meeting has been cancelled due to a scheduling conflict with its complaint hearing with the Public Utilities Commission. The next will be held on Tuesday, November 24th.
By Russ Baldwin
Filed Under: City of Lamar • Consumer Issues • Featured • Public Safety • Utilities
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