County Seeks Fair Board Applicants

Prowers County Courthouse


The Prowers County Board of Commissioners is accepting applications from persons who are residents of Prowers County to fill seven (7) positions on the Prowers County Fair Board with a term of three (3) years and will expire in February 2023.

Any person living in Prowers County, at least 21 years of age, and who is interested in the objectives of the Prowers County Fair Board and the Prowers County Fair, may be a member of the Fair Board. Members are required to meet at least once each month. Meetings are regularly held on the fourth Thursday of each month. Additional meetings may be required as needed. Appointed members serve as volunteers for a term of three (3) years.

A Prowers County Application for Boards and Commissions is available on our website: or can be picked up at the Administration Office.

Applications may be dropped off at the Administration Office or mailed to Prowers County Commissioners, 301 S. Main Street, Suite 215, Lamar, CO   81052.

Applications must be received by 5:00 p.m. on February 21, 2020

Filed Under: City of LamarCountyMedia ReleaseRecreationThe ArtsTourism


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