Big Game Processing Classes Offered by CPW in Lamar

Courtesy Photo – Colorado Parks & Wildlife


Ever wanted to learn how to process the big game you hunted? Colorado Parks and Wildlife is offering a free class to residents of Southeast Colorado in December.

The class is Big Game Processing 101 and it is planned for 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Dec. 14 at the CPW Area 12 office in Lamar, 2500 Main St.

At the class, CPW staff will demonstrate how to process a deer. This is a hands-on class. Students will learn how to break down a deer and cut up the meat into steaks, roasts, stew meat and burger.

Students also will learn how to package the various cuts and how to use each cut of meat.

The course is free but participants need to register online. There are just 20 seats available for the class. Participants can bring their own carving knives or CPW will have extra knives you can use in class.

To register, follow this link. If you have any questions, call CPW officer Jordon DePriest of the Lamar Wildlife Service Center at 719-940-3588.

Filed Under: City of LamarConsumer IssuesFeaturedMedia ReleaseRecreation


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