Energy Smart Agriculture Workshop Series Planned for Colorado Producers

Sessions ​will focus on energy efficiency, cost savings, on-farm renewables and funding assistance


DENVER – November 7, 2019​ – The Colorado Energy Office (CEO) and the Colorado Department of Agriculture (CDA) will host a series of energy smart agriculture workshops in early December to detail energy savings and climate resiliency opportunities for farmers and ranchers. Created through a partnership between the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Natural Resources Conservation Service, state government and agricultural industry leaders, the workshops will focus on energy efficiency, cost savings, on-farm renewables and funding assistance.

Colorado farmers and ranchers spend more than $400 million annually on energy, and the workshops will help producers consider how energy efficiency and renewable energy can reduce cost of production, modernize infrastructure and improve margins. The series provides the opportunity for Colorado producers to discuss local concerns about agricultural energy and climate resilience with public officials and industry experts. Workshop attendees will learn about technical assistance that is available at no cost as well as how to access local, state and federal funding.

The workshops will feature presenters from CEO and CDA. In addition, the Colorado Climate Center will give an update on climate and weather considerations, energy, water and agriculture. The series will be co-sponsored by the USDA, Colorado Livestock Association, Colorado Corn Growers Association, Colorado Wheat Administrative Committee/Colorado Association of Wheat Growers, Colorado Potato Administrative Committee, Dairy MAX, Rocky Mountain Farmers Union, Colorado Farm Bureau, Colorado Association of Conservation Districts, and Colorado Rural Electric Association.

Registration is free, and lunch/dinner and refreshments will be served. To register, RSVP via the following links.


Thursday, December 12, 2019
12:00pm – Lamar Community College (Bowman Building Rm 147) 2401 S. Main St. Lamar, CO 80152

Register:​https://w m/e/energy-smar t-agriculture-work shop-tickets-790 78803831

If you have questions, please contact workshop organizer Darrell Hanavan at (303) 981-4430 or

Filed Under: AgricultureCity of LamarCollegeConsumer IssuesEconomyFeaturedMedia ReleaseUtilities


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