Holly Trustees to Meet July 17th



The Holly Trustees voted to hold their regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, July 17th as there were too few members to form a quorum this past Wednesday, July 10th.

Agenda items for consideration on Wednesday included the deadline for letters of interest for the Mayor’s seat. The Trustees set 60 days as a deadline for a response for candidates to fill the vacancy left when former Mayor Tony Garcia resigned effective May 31, 2019.  Candidates will have roughly until the end of July to submit an application to Town Clerk, Megan Jara, for consideration by the Trustees board.  Mayor Pro Tem, Larry Sitts, has been presiding in the interim.

Other items on tap will include rescheduling the cancelled pubic meeting for an application for a special events liquor permit by the Holly Pride Committee, to dispense alcohol-malt beverages on September 13, 2019 from 2pm to 9pm during the Pedal the Plains bicycle event. The proposed site is West Buffalo at North Main Street in Holly.  The Trustees will also consider Resolution 2019-2, calling for a special election for November 5, 2019 to be conducted as a Coordinated Election.

The town administrator hiring process remains on hold as two candidates dropped out of the running. During the May meeting, any hiring action was placed on hold until the August 7th Trustees meeting.

Information from past meeting minutes showed that during a special May 22nd meeting, the Trustees approved Kalma Construction’s bid of $17,360.88 for the Holly Public Library deck project.  Three bidders provided estimates for the construction.  Following an executive session, the board voted to offer Billi Jo Gossard the position of Deputy Clerk, replacing Jessalyn Hilger who resigned earlier this year.

By Russ Baldwin


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