Summer Program Offers Free Meals and Rides to Area Youth



One Step Up, Hunger Free Colorado and the Lamar School District are working together to help ensure that all area youngsters, under 18 years, can get a free lunch and a free ride to their meal in Willow Creek Park.

Monday through Thursday, from 12:30 to 1:30pm, lunches will be served to all kids under 18 with no need to fill out any paperwork or present eligibility forms. A bus will travel a daily route, Monday through Thursday, picking up students and bringing them to the lunch area near the Lamar Municipal Swimming Pool.

The bus schedule starts with a 12pm/noon pick-up from the HOPE Center on North 10th Street and will be at Washington Elementary School at 12:15, at Lamar High School at 12:25 and will make a stop at Normandy Gardens at 12:30 before heading for the park.

Filed Under: City of LamarEducationEventsFeaturedHot TopicsMedia ReleaseSchoolYouth


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