Lamar City Administrator, John Sutherland, Announces Retirement
Barbara Crimond | Jun 28, 2019 | Comments 0
Lamar City Administrator, John Sutherland, announced his retirement plans to the Lamar City Council earlier this week. As it stands, Sutherland’s, last official day as Administrator will be Monday, July 29th.
Lamar Mayor, Roger Stagner, told The Prowers Journal, Sutherland will be missed. “He has been an excellent administrator for the City of Lamar and although we hate to see him go, we also understand that every person has a time when there’s a turning point in their career and John has found his,” Stagner stated, adding, “We certainly hope the best for him in years to come.” Stagner said he and the council are planning a public reception sometime next month, but there is nothing specific at this point.
Stagner also highlighted some of the developments that occurred in the Lamar community during Sutherland’s tenure including the creation of the downtown Pocket Park, Wheel’s Park and the onset of the development of North Gateway Park, plus the creation of the Lamar Loop. Sutherland has also been at the forefront of upgrading crucial aspects of the city’s infrastructure to include the Main Street Highway project as well as annual improvements for city streets and water infrastructure. Sutherland continually stressed the need for economic development for Lamar, and sought a more equitable means to control cost overruns for the operation of the Lamar Ambulance Service between the county and the city, a process that continues to this day.
He was also heavily involved in the long-running lawsuits and legal actions of the City against ARPA, Arkansas River Power Authority, for the release of the City of Lamar from its organic contract for power purchases and construction bond issues with ARPA. Several actions were resolved in favor of the City which resulted in settlements of several million dollars.
Sutherland became City Administrator in August, 2012, having served in a similar capacity in two communities in New Mexico. The council will begin the process of developing a search for his replacement.
By Russ Baldwin
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