Annual Fiesta De Colores Set for Saturday in Granada
Barbara Crimond | Sep 13, 2018 | Comments 0
The Granada community will host the annual Fiesta De Colores Celebration this Saturday, September 15th beginning with the 10am parade, beginning at the High School parking lot and continuing into the town park. This year’s grand marshall’s are Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Gonzales.
Other events include music provided by Fernando and the highlight will be the annual coronation at noon of the Fiesta Queen and Princess followed by Alma Folklorica de Oklahome, Group Tlaloc Danza Axteca and Car Show. This year’s contestants are: Angela Martinez and Mercedes Rodriguez for Queen, Yuliana Balderrama, Makisha Martinez, Addyson Ramos-Pacheco and Bella Solereie Penn for Princess.
Contestants for the horseshoe and cornhole tournaments need to register by 12:30 with the contest starting at 1pm in the park. Prize drawings begin at 4pm followed by the candidates First Dance.
To participate in the 10am parade, the contests or to be a vendor, call Theresa Valenzuela at 719-688-4497 or Jesse Solórzano at 719-940-0331.
Filed Under: City of Granada • Entertainment • Events • Featured • Recreation • School • Sports
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