Birth Announcements: Brase -/- Cuayahuitl



Bo and Marah Brase of Lamar, Colorado announce the birth of their daughter, Ellie Grace Brase at 1:40pm at Prowers Medical Center on Wednesday, April 11, 2018 with Sharon Hendricks attending. Ellie weighed six pounds and eight ounces and was 20 inches in length at birth.  Grandparents: Ian and Lori Blacker and Dave and Paula Brase.


Maria and Jose Cuayahuitl of Lamar, Colorado announce the birth of their daughter, Yaretzi Aquetzalli Cuayahuitl at 2:33am at Prowers Medical Center on Friday, April 13, 2018 with Sharon Hendricks attending. Yaretzi weighed six pounds and thirteen ounces and was 20 inches in length at birth.  Grandparents:  Maria and Prisciliano Medrano and Maria Torres and Rufino Cuayahuitl.

Filed Under: Births


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