Lamar Community College Presidential Finalist Announced


Denver – Dr. Nancy McCallin, President of the Colorado Community College System (CCCS), is announcing the finalist for the presidency of Lamar Community College (LCC). CCCS has been conducting the search since March 2016. Current President John Marrin will be retiring from LCC on July 31, 2016.

The finalist is Dr. Linda Lujan, the New Ventures Officer for the Maricopa County Community College District and former President and Chief Executive Officer of Chandler-Gilbert Community College in the Phoenix, AZ area. 

Dr. Lujan’s biography can be viewed on the Lamar Community College website at:

Five presidential semi-finalists visited the Lamar campus April 27-28, where they had the opportunity to meet community members, students, and staff during public forums and at a reception. Feedback from the forums was fully reviewed in determining the finalist. This information has been forwarded to Dr. Nancy McCallin for her review. A final decision will be made no sooner than 14 days following this announcement.

CONTACT: Angie Binder, Director of Public Information, CCCS, 303-218-0223



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