Lamar High School Recognizes NHS Members for 2016

LHS-honor-societyThe Lamar High School National Honor Society held their 2016 induction of new members on Tuesday, March 8, 2016. These are our newly inducted members.

Selection may be based on four criteria: scholarship, leadership, service, and character. The National Honor Society might require some sort of service to the community, school, or other organizations. The National Honor Society was founded in 1921 by the National Association of Secondary School Principals

Gentlemen Left to Right: Zachary Scriven, Justin Batterton, Reece Campbell, William Wootten, Tyler Geddes, Blake Davis, Colton Eberhardt, Wyatt Lehr, Craig Wilkins

Ladies Left to Right: Shiane Dashner, Madison Buxton, Cassandra Clark, Grace Williams, Faith Camp, Julissa Aguirre, Jozlyn Sutphin, Mayrene Slatton-McCoy, Michaela Gregg, Alexa Comstock, Cassandra Forgue, Morgan Reed, Shania Running Rabbit, Felicia Salgado, Destiny Morales, (Not pictured Aubrey Lawrence).

Thank you,
Peggy Machone
LHS NHS Adviser

Filed Under: EducationEventsSchoolYouth


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