RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "Garden City Kansas"

Ogallala Multi-State Water Summit in Garden City April 9-10

Ogallala Multi-State Water Summit in Garden City April 9-10

        The Ogallala Aquifer Summit will bring together water-use decision makers in Garden City, Kansas, April 9-10 from all eight states in the Ogallala region: Colorado, Kansas, New Mexico, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Texas, South Dakota and Wyoming. Summit participants will be discussing current management and policy best practices as well as exploring interstate […]

PEP Hires Executive Director

PEP Hires Executive Director

Eric Depperschmidt has been hired by the Prowers Economic Prosperity (PEP) board to serve as its new Executive Director. The unanimous vote was taken during a special PEP directors meeting on Friday, February 17th.  The hiring of an experienced director is pivotal to the future implementation of the Prowers County Economic Prosperity Plan. A western […]