RSSAll Entries Tagged With: "AMR"

Dangerous Power Thefts Noted by Lamar Utility Board

  Lamar Light Plant Superintendent, Houssin Hourieh, informed the utility board members of two instances of power theft during their September 12th meeting.  The Lamar Police Department noted the instances in their recent daily report: 9/11/2017 12:00:00 AM  10:29     1704782                SANGER, STEVE                Officer took a report of parties using stolen electricity in the 100 block […]

Repairs Planned for Light Plant Turbine

Repairs Planned for Light Plant Turbine

Lamar Utility Board members approved the low bid for the gearbox replacement project for the T-2 turbine east of Lamar. Metal filings were detected last month in the gearbox oil and further use of the turbine would result in more costly damage.  As it is, the project comes with a hefty price tag of $330,988. […]