City Council Approves Liquor License for LaMar, Fills Vacant Ward III Council Seat


Lamar City Council met on February 26 for its regular bi-monthly meeting.  After a brief Executive Session to discuss an appointment for the open Ward III Council Seat, the meeting was resumed and Council voted 5 to 1 to appoint Shalah Mata to the vacancy which was created when Mike Bellomy stepped down to accept a position with the City.  Joe Gonzales was the lone vote against Mata, who was then sworn in as the new Ward III Councilwoman.

Further discussion regarding the New Lodging & Entertainment Liquor License for LaMar, Inc./dba The LaMar was then held.  A decision had been tabled from the last meeting while the City Clerk had time to check with the State regarding whether Jeremy Carter was an actual owner or if he was a shareholder with no monetary investment.  It was determined that Mr. Carter is not currently a shareholder but will become a 40% owner after the business has completed its first year of business.  It was also determined that the correct license was being applied for, as Council had some concern whether the LaMar needed to apply for a Tavern license instead. Mayor Crespin reminded owner Monica Sutphin that the onus would be on her as the sole owner if any code violations or compliance issues arose during the first year.  Council voted unanimously to approve the liquor license.  Council was assured by Jeremy Carter that the theatre’s current marquee will stay, to answer the many inquiries Council members have gotten concerning it.

Kristin Schwartz, City Treasurer,  reported that the grant request to Colorado Parks and Wildlife for improvements to North Gateway Park was submitted and that the request has moved on to the next round before a final decision is made.  Representatives from Lamar will be in Denver March 15 to present their case before the final vote is made on the award.

Rob Evans, City Administrator, wanted to remind Council and the public that a groundbreaking ceremony for the new Lamar High School stadium will be at 5:00 pm on March 18 behind the high school at the site of the new stadium.  The search for the new Chief of Police is ongoing and he will update Council with a final number of candidates when he receives them.  He announced that there would be a reception following the night’s meeting as a way of saying “thank you” to Mike Bellomy.  Mayor Crespin also presented Bellomy with a plaque of appreciation for his service to Council.  Councilwoman Gerry Jenkins wanted to thank both Rob Evans and Mayor Crespin for their help in asking the Lamar Light & Power Department to look into improvements to lighting around the Community Building and also to that department for their prompt response in making the improvements.

Kim VanHook and Nancy Idler were re-appointed to the Lamar Tree Board for new 3- year terms by unanimous vote.   Council approved an agreement with the City of Wiley to enable them to bring dogs to the Lamar Dog Pound as long as the Pound is not full, as it often is.  Police Chief Kyle Miller wanted to remind the public that the shelter is open Monday-Friday but that after-hours appointments can be made as well for visits with the dogs and for adoption.   Home Store, LLC was awarded the bid for both the flowers along Main Street as well as for supplying fertilizer to the city parks.   Fire Chief Burkhart was authorized to apply for a grant for funding to replace radios for the department.  He is applying for a $65,000 grant, which would pay for 10 new radios.  The city would be responsible for a 5% match in the amount of $3,250 if it is awarded.

Girl Scout Troop 35128 representatives and Troop leader Brittany Carrian were present and told Council that the girls would like Council’s  approval to do a service project.  It would involve using a semi-permanent paint on sidewalks of the City’s choosing, so that areas would be provided for kids to ride bikes on a small obstacle course or play hopscotch or other games.  They said they want to “bring a little happiness” to the downtown area.   Also present in the audience were members of a local Boy Scout Troop who were there to observe the meeting as part of a civic engagement requirement towards achieving their Eagle Scout designation.  Councilman Brent Bates spoke directly to the boys, telling them that he was an Eagle Scout and encouraged them to keep working towards it.  He assured them that having earned the award will definitely help them in their future career fields and is something they could be very proud of.

The next City Council meeting will be Monday, March 11, 2024 at 7:00 p.m.


By Barbara Crimond




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