Early In-Person Voting Begins Statewide Today
Barbara Crimond | Oct 25, 2021 | Comments 0

Ballot Box in East Parking Lot at Courthouse
DENVER, Colo– Voter Service and Polling Centers (VSPCs) across Colorado are now open statewide for the November 2 Coordinated Election, enabling Coloradans to vote or drop off their ballots in-person. To date, 313,372 ballots have been returned.
“Colorado historically has been engaged in the state’s elections, and we expect that will continue,” said Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold. “With more available drop boxes statewide than ever before, along with nearly 150 voting centers, it’s accessible to make sure your voice is heard in our democracy.”
Drop boxes and VSPCs must be open today statewide, but some counties opened some drop boxes and VSPCs earlier. This year, 405 drop boxes and 147 VSPCs are available statewide for Colorado voters. To find the nearest drop box or VSPC, voters can use a search tool located on the Colorado Secretary of State’s website. Once again, voters across the state can also track their ballots from when they are sent to when they are processed by signing up for BallotTrax or BallotTrace for Denver voters at GoVoteColorado.gov. Last year, over 1.6 million voters used BallotTrax to follow their ballots. Once ballots have been returned, voters will once again be able to use TXT2Cure, which allows them to fix signature discrepancies using their smart phone.
Voted ballots must be received by county election officials by 7 p.m. on November 2. After today, voters are encouraged to return their ballot to a drop box or VSPC rather than by mail to ensure their ballot is received before the deadline.
It’s not too late to register to vote. To be mailed a ballot, please register by today, October 25. After today, eligible Coloradans can register and vote in-person through 7 p.m. on Election Day.
To register to vote, check your registration, or for election information, please visit www.GoVoteColorado.gov.
Filed Under: Elections • Featured • Media Release • Politics
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