Thank You: From Colorado State Senator Larry Crowder, District 35


My eight-year term of office as your state senator is completed. I would like to thank you and humbly state that this has been a pleasure and an honor to serve the greatest senate district in Colorado. The Senate District 35 covers 16 counties in south central and south eastern Colorado and together we have made remarkable progress in this region.

As a 5th generation from southeastern Colorado, I have continuously marveled at the strengths of this district and have been humbled by the people who strive to make their lives better. The caring and the patriotism of the region has been a beacon for the rest of the state to follow. My pride in this area will forever be strengthened by memories of such a stalwart group of people. Whether it be manufacturing, agriculture, education or services, we have and will continue to have a reason to be a proud people.

There have been advances as well as issues not completed and hopefully, we will continue to progress. Always remember you have every reason to be proud of your area as well as your nation.


With total respect,
Senator Larry Crowder
District 35 Southern Colorado

Filed Under: Letters to the Editor

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