ARPA Board Holds its Annual Election of Officers: The ARPA Board of Directors held officer elections at its meeting on April 30. Board Members elected to continue serving as officers through April 2021 include Rick Stwalley (Las Animas), President; Lorenz Sutherland (La Junta), Vice President; Gary Cranson (La Junta), Treasurer; and ARPA staff member, Arvenia Morris, Secretary. Rick Stwalley has been on the ARPA Board of Directors since January 2010. He served as Vice President from April 2011 until a special election in January 2020 at which time he was elected President. Lorenz Sutherland has represented La Junta on the ARPA Board since October 2014. He was elected to fill the office of Vice President in January 2020. Gary Cranson has been on the ARPA Board since February 2017 and was first elected Treasurer of the Board in May 2019. Gary also serves on the La Junta Utilities Board.

ARPA Members Response to COVID-19. ARPA member utilities are continuing to work with split crews and split shifts, and/or reduced hours. With the Governor’s safer-at-home order, the member utility crews’ safety practices will remain in place such as social distancing where possible and face coverings where necessary.

Burns and McDonnell Engaged as Owner’s Engineer: ARPA entered into an agreement with Burns and McDonnell for engineering services for the dismantling, removal from site, and demolition of the Repowering Project located in Lamar. The Engineering firm will also act as Owner’s Engineer in the event the plant is sold. Current plans call for the dismantling and removal process to be performed in three phases. The first phase is the northside coal handling facilities located north of Maple Street. Equipment included in this phase is the coal conveyor system, coal crusher and limestone storage. The second phase is the boiler and steam turbine generator. This equipment is located on the south side of Maple Street. This is the most comprehensive of the phases and includes the coal day storage silos, boiler control system, emission control systems including the stack, baghouse, and air-cooled condenser. Phase three is the final phase and includes the coal storage domes and associated equipment.

Summary of March 2020 Financial and Operating Statements. During the month of March, revenue from power sales were less than budget by 3.5% and total cost of goods sold were under budget by 8.4%. Net revenue for the month was $218,780. Year to Date revenues from power sales are 0.7% better than budget and cost of goods sold are 2.3% under budget. Net revenues YTD are $662,891. Member Energy sales for March were 4.4% less than 2019 and 1.5% less than budget. Member Sales YTD are 0.8% less than 2019 but still 2.7% better than budget.

Next ARPA Board of Directors Meeting. The next regularly scheduled meeting of the ARPA Board is Thursday, May 28. Due to the current COVID-19 issue, the Board will determine if it can meet in-person or if the meeting will be conducted via webcast. The meeting notice will be posted on ARPA’s website will also be noticed to the public. ARPA board meetings are open to the public.

Filed Under: City of HollyCity of LamarCity of WileyConsumer IssuesFeaturedMedia ReleaseUtilities


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