Holly Commercial Club Recaps Holiday Activities, Elects 2020 Officers

Holly Holiday Tree


The Holly Commercial Club met Wednesday, December 4, 2019 at noon with seven members present. Minutes from the November meeting were read and approved. Pearl Reyman approved with Calvin Melcher as second. Motion carried. The treasure’s report and Shopper report were both given. They were approved by Calvin and second by Rod Swisher. Motion carried.  

The Old Fashioned Christmas went well, as did the Parade of Lights, for it being the first year for the parade. We are hoping for more lights in the parade next year. The Holly Jolly Christmas sponsored by the Holly Bluegrass Committee is cancelled for this year. Here’s hoping to have it sometime after the New Year when events have slowed.  

The Commercial Club will provide the water for the Granada and Holly school children’s movies. Rod made the motion, second by Tracie Kalma. Motion carried. 

There was election of officers for 2020. The new President will be Mandy Joiner; Vice-President-Rod Swisher; Secretary-Viola Melcher; and Treasurer-John Golden and LaVonda Cathcart. 

The motion to accept this slate of officers was made by Calvin and second by Tracie. Motion carried.  With no further business, the meeting adjourned at 1:00. 

The next meeting will be Jan. 8, 2020 at noon.

Viola Melcher, Secretary


Filed Under: City of Holly


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