Leiker New Holly Trustee
Barbara Crimond | Apr 13, 2018 | Comments 0
Aaron Leiker took his oath of office as the newest Holly Trustee during the board’s monthly meeting on Wednesday, April 11th. The meeting was delayed one week from the usual first Wednesday, as the voting tallies needed to be authenticated by Megan Jara, Town Clerk. Mayor Tony Garcia received his oath of office as he was re-elected during the April 3rd ballot in the community. Larry Sitts will continue to serve as mayor pro-tem. Exiting Trustee Johnnie Lyons was thanked by the Mayor and board for his years of service as a Trustee.
The Trustees tabled any decision on a replacement building inspector for the town. There was one application submitted to replace Bobby Ward who submitted his resignation several months ago. The Trustees wanted the board’s Hiring Committee to discuss levels of reimbursement for work and travel for the position.
The board will take a look at a 30 foot long, wheeled trailer which has been proposed by a local baseball team to store their sports equipment by the well house at McCormick Ball Field. The Trustees favored having it in use for at least one season to see if it would be an impediment to activities in the area.
Two applications for fowl permits were approved for Tino Bustamante and Eva Friesen for no more than six chickens on each property. The permits will be in place pending the yards being kept suitably clean.
Keith Dennis, Field Services Supervisor told the Trustees, the east and south town wells are performing but it was suggested by the north well be used on a seasonal basis, pending new water quality reports. A power pole at the cemetery was replaced due to a recent fire, weed spraying is underway on the town’s streets and the town crew continues to change out water meters.
By Russ Baldwin
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