LCC Open House Set for April 7
Barbara Crimond | Mar 31, 2016 | Comments 0
(Lamar, Colorado; March 29, 2016) Lamar Community College will be hosting an Open House on April 7, 2016, from 3:30–6:30pm at the Betz Technology Building. A free light dinner will be provided and attendees will have the chance to win door prizes all night long.
This event will serve as a one-stop-shop for information about LCC. LCC will have faculty from all departments of the college to answer questions from potential students and parents. Departments at the open house will include Athletics, Financial Aid, Admissions, Business, Nursing, HTM and Agriculture, among others. Campus tours will be offered throughout the event.
Academic advisors will be on hand to help interested students with registration for summer and online classes.
Those interested in attending LCC will find it particularly helpful, but the event is open to the community and everyone is welcome.
For additional information, contact Tori Hawks at 719.336.1580 or
Filed Under: City of Lamar • College • Education • Entertainment • Featured • Media Release • School • Youth
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