Granada Trustees Study Economic Development Assessment

Granada-Water-TowerThe study, initiated by a REDI, Rural Economic Development grant, was recently conducted by the State Department of Local Affairs for both Granada and Holly. The two part report provides an economic assessment of each town’s current status for job and population loss while the second segment provides a demographic breakdown for each community.

The Granada Trustees reviewed the information during their monthly meeting, March 9th and recapped last week’s visit by PUMA, Progressive Urban Management Associates representatives from Denver who conducted a similar-purposed visit to every town in Prowers County.  Regarding the REDI study, Granada and Holly requested the assessment focus on two areas:  Industry Diversification and Heritage Tourism.  Interviews with business owners provided insight into the costs and benefits of conducting business in the communities.  More specific discussion with community leaders will be held beyond the initial study that was just completed.

The Trustees visited briefly with Darwin Winfield, Manager of Public Affairs for Atmos Energy regarding the new, 20 year franchise agreement with the town. Granada will continue to receive a 5% commission based on sales and the first reading of the ordinance was conducted.  The second reading and official vote on the new contract will be held next month.

Stephanie Gonzales, Executive Director from SECED, Southeast Colorado Enterprise Development, continued her outreach program for the organization with a brief summary of services for the Trustees. Gonzales stated that SECED is available for business and housing improvement loans, specifically for those businesses that want to upgrade their store’s appearance.

A resolution cancelling the April election for Trustees was approved as the positions for Deb Choat and Thomas Sanchez went uncontested and each decided to continue for a new term. Jackie Malone, Town Clerk, said the Trustees will probably appoint an interested party to assume the seat being  vacated by Martin Jensen at the end of his term.  The annual health fair will be conducted from 6:30am to 9:30am on Wednesday, April 20th at the school, and the Town Complex has been reserved for three dates: May 27th, May 28th and November 11-12 for the Harvest Dinner.

Angel Medina has been hired as the new landfill operator and landfill hours will change next Wednesday, March 16th to 11am to 6pm and Saturday and Sunday hours remain at 9am to 4pm.

By Russ Baldwin

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