Washington Elementary School in Lamar the recipient of donation to their new Arts Program


Left to right, Vincent Gearhart, LaNette DeLoach Gearhart and Rose Ann Yates present a $1,500 donation to Washington Elementary School Art Instructor Leandra Chavez on behalf of the Southeast Colorado Arts Council/Anne Boken Trust

The Southeast Colorado Arts Council/Anne Boken Trust recently made a $1,500 donation to Washington Elementary School in Lamar for their art program.  Presenting the check to Leandra Chavez, Art Instructor for the school, were Rose Ann Yates, President of the Arts Council, Vincent Gearhart and LaNette DeLoach Gearhart, Board Members.  The funds will be used to buy much-needed art supplies for the program, which is in its first year and has proved to be a wonderful addition to the school.  Students, staff and parents have all expressed excitement and appreciation for the art classes.  The school recently had an evening art show for parents and the public to view the art that the students have produced as well as the beautifully-decorated hallways in the school which are the result of Ms. Chavez’s talent and creativity.  At the check presentation, several smiling Washington students were there to show their appreciation for the donation with a beautiful Thank You poster decorated by the students who have enjoyed and benefited from the program.

Filed Under: CharityEducationFeaturedSchoolThe Arts


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