2023 Amache Pilgrimage Weekend

Camp Amache Main Entrance


The Nikkeijin Kai of Colorado with the Amache Preservation Society and the Friends of Amache will gather in Granada for the 2023 Amache Pilgrimage weekend, on Saturday, May 20th.

Reconstructed Barracks and Water Tower

Each year surviving members of those who were incarcerated in Granada at Camp Amache during World War 2, return to the site to pay their respects and to witness the latest preservation efforts for Amache, one of ten such camps in the U.S.  Amache is said to be one of the smallest from that time, but efforts by the Amache Preservation Society have enabled it to be recognized as the richest in historical preservation, both of artifacts and personal records.

Visitors are scheduled to arrive at 11am on Saturday for the Memorial Ceremony.  A potluck lunch will be served at 12:30pm at the Granada High School which will be followed by Judge Gogo flag signing in the gym.  A tour of the site and/or museum is set for 2pm with a return to Denver at 2:30pm by those who journeyed via bus.

Individuals may visit the site on May 19th with a 3pm archaeology tour beginning at the camp entrance and a 6pm meeting is set for the Granada Community Center for Amache presentation.  The self-visit tour options include a 9am meeting at the entrance kiosks on the 20th for a visit of the barracks or a self-tour and participation in the 11am Pilgrimage and potluck lunch.

By Russ Baldwin


Filed Under: City of GranadaEventsFeaturedHistoryTourism


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