SE Region CPW Caucus Re: Public Access, State Wildlife Areas, 2021 Objectives

Colorado Parks and Wildlife



COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. – Sportspersons from across Colorado are invited to Colorado Parks and Wildlife’s Southeast Region Sportspersons Caucus for updates on a variety of issues important to hunters, anglers and outdoor enthusiasts. 

The caucus is scheduled 6-8 p.m., Tuesday, Jan. 19, and will be streamed live, online via CPW’s statewide Facebook page.  

It will feature statewide roundtable representatives and Region Manager Brett Ackerman, who will provide updates on CPW efforts to expand access to public lands, to protect State Wildlife Areas and objectives for the coming year. 

Other topics on the agenda include issues related to trapping, updates on terrestrial and aquatic biology issues including the greenback cutthroat trout status in Bear Creek, changes to oil and gas rules and how they may impact sportspeople and questions around wolf reintroduction. 

It’s a great chance for hunters, anglers, trappers and outdoor enthusiasts to engage with Larry McCormack and Ron Goodrich, the Southeast Region’s delegates to CPW’s statewide Sportspersons’ Roundtable. McCormack and Goodrich represent the position of the SE Region on important policy decisions and issues. Caucus attendees will also be able to engage with Ackerman. 

“The Southeast Region Caucus gives all Colorado residents an opportunity to have an active voice in how CPW manages wildlife,” Ackerman said. “It allows all our outdoors enthusiasts to participate in statewide debates on CPW policies, regulations and resource management decisions. 

“If you love Colorado’s outdoors and wildlife, then you should attend our free caucus and join in our wide-ranging discussions with sportsmen and sportswomen. We want to hear your ideas. We value your input and hope you will come and help us protect your natural resources.” 

The caucus agenda will be posted soon on the CPW website. 


Who: CPW Southeast Region Sportspersons Caucus
What: Online meeting
When: 6 p.m., Tuesday, Jan. 19
Where: Online broadcast on CPW’s Facebook page.
Info: Call 719-227-5200 for additional information or visit


Filed Under: Consumer IssuesCountyEnvironmentFeaturedMedia Release


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