2020 Moonlight Madness Recap
Barbara Crimond | Nov 03, 2020 | Comments 0
The 2020 Lamar Chamber of Commerce Moonlight Madness event is being recognized as one of the more successful outings for downtown Lamar in several years. A warm night, a full moon and just a chance to get out (with the proper precautions) were some of the prime ingredients to make it an enjoyable evening for local residents.
Aside from the costumes and candy, there were two contests underway; a window decorating contest among participating merchants and a costume contest. Chamber judges viewed the window arrangements based on the theme and merchandise/services of each store. The chamber board also selected the top three costumes submitted to them via email for consideration.
Romeo Figueroa, a 13 year old 8th-grader won first prize for his submission, using his own make-up. He’ll be awarded $100 in Chamber Luv Bucks.
The 2nd place winner for $50 in Luv Bucks was submitted by Norma Chavez and 3rd place, for $25 in Luv Bucks was submitted by Taryn Darbyshire.
The three window winners were 1st place, La Lupitas Restaurant with Melissa and Andrew Felan, as well as Ludvina Felan and Fidel Felan. Second place went to Crossroads, represented by Myranda Garcia and Angela Wilson and 3rd place went to Coronica’s, represented by Katrina Lundy.
The Chamber board members thanked all the participants in each of the two contests and said they are planning a significant Chamber Luv Bucks give-away later in the holiday season, so stay tuned and shop local!
By Russ Baldwin
Filed Under: City of Lamar • Consumer Issues • Entertainment • Featured • Recreation • Youth
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